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postheadericon JET J-41002 2-Inch by 42-Inch 3/4-Horsepower Bench Belt and 8-Inch Disc Sander

Best Cheap JET J-41002 2-Inch by 42-Inch 3/4-Horsepower Bench Belt and 8-Inch Disc Sander Sale

you looking for cheap JET J-41002 2-Inch by 42-Inch 3/4-Horsepower Bench Belt and 8-Inch Disc Sander?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells JET J-41002 2-Inch by 42-Inch 3/4-Horsepower Bench Belt and 8-Inch Disc Sander and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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JET J-41002 2-Inch by 42-Inch 3/4-Horsepower Bench Belt and 8-Inch Disc Sander Specification

  • Deluxe miter gauge that turns and locks for common angles, 45 degrees both left and right
  • Hinged idler wheel cover, tilting table
  • Abrasive belt unit does the work of a jig saw, coping saw, or hand file while removing material and finishing
  • Allows an operator to get into small openings, plus handle odd shapes and angles
  • Grind, sand, or finish large work pieces on the disc unit fast and efficiently, table is slotted to accept miter gauge

JET J-41002 2-Inch by 42-Inch 3/4-Horsepower Bench Belt and 8-Inch Disc Sander Overview

Allows for sanding, grinding or finishing of outside curves or odd shaped workpieces on the belt. Deluxe miter gauge that turns and locks for common angles 45° both left and right.

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